As you are facing the printer, the black print cartridge is installed in the left-hand position.
Match the color print cartridges green handle to the green color strip on the carrier. As you are facing the
printer, the color print cartridge is installed in the right-hand position.
11. Push back firmly on the handle until the print cartridge snaps into place.
If the print cartridge moves loosely in the carrier, it is not locked into place. Repeat this step.
12. If you are installing a new print cartridge, click New Cartridge Installed. Then, go to Step 13.
Clicking on New Cartridge Installed resets the ink counter.
If you are removing and reinstalling the same print cartridge, click Old Cartridge Installed. The
installation is complete.
13. Click Align Cartridges.
The Align Cartridges dialog box appears on the screen.
The printer prints a test page with horizontal patterns and vertical patterns.
Each pattern has a number located beneath it.
14. Referring to the printed test page, note the patterns that are correctly aligned.
15. Enter the number located under each properly aligned pattern into the boxes on the screen.
Refer to Section 3.3 for a sample alignment test pattern .
16. Click OK.
17. Close the printer access cover.
Copyright 1997, Okidata, Division of OKI America, Inc. All rights reserved. See the OKIDATA Business
Partner Exchange (BPX) for any updates to this material. (http://bpx.okidata.com)