10 OKIPAGE 14ex, 14i, 14i/n
Copies Copies 1 to 999 Selects the number of copies to be printed.
Euro Sign Euro Sign Enable Disable
Used in certain non-Windows applications to enable printing of the European currency
Fonts &
Font SRC Resident Card
Selects the appropriate source for internal printer fonts. If there are no added optional extra
fonts, only RESIDENT will appear.
DLLSOFT Appears if soft fonts have been downloaded into the printer’s memory.
Font No I000 to I048
Selects the appropriate font from the internal font set to use for received text files. These
may be identified by printing the font list from the operator panel.
Font CPI 10.00 0.44 to 99.99 Appears if selected font is of the scaleable fixed spaced type.
Font HGT 12.00 4.00 to 999.75 Appears if selected font is of the scaleable proportional spaced type.
Symbol PC-8 89 symbol sets are available. Selects the symbol set to be used for printing.
Layout 1
A4 Width 78 Col 80 Col Determines number of characters printed on a line before the printer will force a line break.
Blnkskip Off On Selects whether blank pages are included in the output or suppressed (skipped).
CR Function CR CR+LF
Determines whether a received carraiage return character also moves the print position
down to the next line. Most applications achieve this function by sending a line feed
character after the carriage return, but if lines of text appear to overprint, select CR+LF.
Layout 1
LF Function LF LF+CR
Determines whether a received line feed character also moves the print position to the
beginning of the next line. Most applications achieve this function by sending a carriage
return character before the line feed, but if consecutive lines of text appear to stagger across
the page, select CR + LF.
Layout 2
Orient Portrt Landscp Selects which way round the page prints. Portrait is tall, landscape is wide.
Lines/PG 64 LNS 5to128LNS
Selects the standard number of lines per page. This figure is automatically adjusted when
orentation is changed, to preserve the line spacing.
Host I/F
(14i/n only)
Parallel Enable Disable Makes the parallel interface active or inactive.
Network Enable Disable Makes the network interface card, if installed, active or inactive.
Level 1 menu settings
Category Item Parameter Explanation