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12-2. RS-232C Connector
Pin No. Signal name Direction Function
1 F-GND — Frame ground
2 TXD OUT Transmission data
3 RXD IN Receive data
4 RTS OUT Same as DTR
5 N/C Not used.
1) Star Mode
Not used.
2) ESC/POS Mode
When DIP Switch 3-7 = OFF;
A) DTR communication mode
Indicates whether data receive from host is enabled or
Space: Receive enabled
Mark: Receive disabled
(except when transmitting data by DLE EOT, and GS a)
B) X-ON/X-OFF communication mode
Status of this signal is not checked.
When DIP Switch 3-7 = ON;
This is an externally reset signal.
A space above 1 ms pulse width engages reset.
7 S-GND — Signal ground
8~19 N/C Not used.
20 DTR OUT 1) Star Mode
A) DTR communication mode
Indicates whether data receive from host is enabled
or disabled.
Space: Receive enabled
Mark: Receive disabled
B) X-ON/X-OFF communication mode
Always space, except during following conditions:
• Period between reset and communication enabled
• During self printing