Architecture Flow Description
emergency plan coordination Information that supports coordination of emergency management plans,
continuity of operations plans, emergency response and recovery plans,
evacuation plans, and other emergency plans between agencies. This
includes general plans that are coordinated prior to an incident and shorter
duration tactical plans that are prepared during an incident.
emergency traffic control information Status of a special traffic control strategy or system activation implemented in
response to an emergency traffic control request, a request for emergency
access routes, a request for evacuation, a request to activate closure systems,
a request to employ driver information systems to support public safety
objectives, or other special requests. Identifies the selected traffic control
strategy and system control status.
emergency traffic control request Special request to preempt the current traffic control strategy in effect at one or
more signalized intersections or highway segments, activate traffic control and
closure systems such as gates and barriers, activate safeguard systems, or
use driver information systems. For example, this flow can request all signals
to red-flash, request a progression of traffic control preemptions along an
emergency vehicle route, request a specific evacuation traffic control plan,
request activation of a road closure barrier system, or place a public safety or
emergency-related message on a dynamic message sign.
emergency transit schedule information Information on transit schedule and service changes that adapt the service to
better meet needs of responders and the general public in an emergency
situation, including special service schedules supporting evacuation.
emergency transit service request Request to modify transit service and fare schedules to address emergencies,
including requests for transit services to evacuate people from and/or deploy
response agency personnel to an emergency scene. The request may poll for
resource availability or request pre-staging, staging, or immediate dispatch of
transit resources.
emergency transit service response Response indicating changes to transit service, fares, and/or restrictions that
will be made and status of transit resources to be deployed to support
emergency response and/or evacuation.
emergency traveler information Public notification of an emergency such as a natural or man-made disaster,
civil emergency, or child abduction. This flow also includes evacuation
information including evacuation instructions, evacuation zones,
recommended evacuation times, tailored evacuation routes and destinations,
traffic and road conditions along the evacuation routes, traveler services and
shelter information, and reentry times and instructions.
emergency traveler information request Request for alerts, evacuation information, and other emergency information
provided to the traveling public.
emergency vehicle tracking data The current location and operating status of the emergency vehicle.
environmental conditions data Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature,
moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air
temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by
fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors and aggregated by the data
collector. Attributes relating to the data collection (and aggregation) are also
environmental conditions data status Status of the data quality of environmental conditions data provided by a data
contributor. Includes not only status by sensor, but statistical data regarding
the quality checking of data provided.
environmental probe data Data from vehicle safety and convenience systems that can be used to
estimate environmental conditions, including measured air temperature,
exterior light status, wiper status, sun sensor status, rain sensor status,
traction control status, anti-lock brake status, and other collected vehicle
system status and sensor information. The collected data is reported along
with the location, heading, and time that the data was collected. Both current
data and snapshots of recent events (e.g., traction control or anti-lock brake
system activations) may be reported.
environmental sensor data Current road conditions (e.g., surface temperature, subsurface temperature,
moisture, icing, treatment status) and surface weather conditions (e.g., air
temperature, wind speed, precipitation, visibility) as measured and reported by
fixed and/or mobile environmental sensors. Operational status of the sensors
is also included.
environmental sensors control Data used to configure and control environmental sensors.
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Architecture Flow Descriptions