Shutter-speed priority at 1/1000 sec.
< When shutter-speed priority is advisable >
Set the necessary shutter speed in the Manual
Turn the aperture ring while looking through
the viewfinder until the light on the shutter
speed scale turns on at the shutter speed which
was set in the Manual Adapter. Then, press
the shutter release button.
Aperture priority, high keyed
< How to apply aperture priority to your photo-
graphic needs >
Set the aperture as preferred.
Look through the viewfinder to see the shut-
ter speed which the light indicates, and set
that speed in the Manual Adapter. Then, press
the shutter release button.
* By intentionally ignoring the indicated shut-
ter speed, and setting a different one in the
Manual Adapter it is possible to obtain high
key or low key results as desired.