Proper camera handling is important in assuring
the sharpest possible pictures.
Holding the Camera Horizontally
Keep both elbows close to the body, to steady
the camera.
Putting the Camera into Operation
The aperture ring, focusing ring and shutter speed
ring are so arranged as to enable one hand opera-
tion right up to the moment the shutter is released.
Hold your breath at the moment of shutter release.
Transport the film advance lever with your right
thumb and squeeze the release button smoothly
using the cushion, not the tip, of your index
Holding the Camera Vertically
For vertical shooting, keep one elbow close to
your body and press the camera tightly against
your forehead.
NOTE: Steady yourself against any nearby sup-
port (such as a tree, fence, or wall) whenever pos-
NOTE: For telephotography, or slow shutter
speed photography, it is recommended that you
use a tripod and hold the camera steady with
your hands.