
1.3.4 DA Converter
z Channels : 1 independent
z Type : 12-bit multiplying , Analog device AD-7948
z Linearity : ± 1/2 bit
z Output Range : 0~5 V or 0~10 V jumper selected , may be used with other AC
or DC reference input. Maximum output limit ± 10V
z Output Drive : ± 5 mA
z Settling Time : 0.6 microseconds to 0.01% for full scale step
1.3.5 Digital I/O
z Output port : 16 bits, TTL compatible
z Input port : 16 bits, TTL compatible
1.3.6 Interrupt Channel
z Level : 3,4,5,6,7 jumper selectable
z Enable : Via control register
OME-A-8111 Hardware Manual (ver.1.1, Jul/2003) 6