
CDLY 0,0s...9,9s Time setting to delete the maximum value memory after
switching point SP1 is reached (manual deletion is still possible)
MIN -1 ... xxxx
Display of peak value Min
CLRL ----- Delete the minimum value memory
----- no deletion
clr delete value
OFFS -9,9 ...+xx Measured value offset in bar
CUT 0,0 ... +xx Cut-off. e.g. signal suppression at measuring range start in bar
DLDS 0,0 ... 9,9s Time delay for currently displayed value in seconds
ERRC ----- Error messages:
0: -ok- no error
1: max exceeding pos. measuring range
2: min exceeding neg. measuring range
3: dig1 switching output 1 error
4: dig2 switching output 2 error
5: anao analog output error
6: sens sensor error
7: data data error (EEProm)
8: prog program error
9: cal calibration error
V7.X Lev0...Lev2 Programming lock:
Version display with actual input level:
0 : only display of operating parameters, no changes possible
1 : only switching points can be set (max and min
2 : release user level (all operating parameters for customer)
LITH 20 ... 100 Change display brightness 20...100%
(only for units with Dot-Matrix display)
(only V7.X)
0 ... 9999 Scale the analog output - start value (e. g. 0 bar = 4 mA)
AOFS 0 ... 9999 Scale the analog output - end value (e. g. 400 bar = 20 mA)
(output signal start value always corresponds to the display ini-
tial value, e. g. 0 bar = 4mA)
Maximum turn-down 4 : 1, i.e. at values below 25 % of the mea-
suring range the analog output is switched off
STNO ----- Enter the station number at Profibus DP
RECL ----- SHRT short profile 8 byte
LONG long profile 32 byte
CODE 000...999 Enter the code level: Changes:
Lev1: 471 (up + down five seconds) Lev1-Lev0
Lev2: 740 (up + down + M five seconds) Lev2-Lev0
Lev0: 999
----- Display of the unit options
selection of the Profibus-protocol
PSW1000.qxp 6/5/2008 3:45 PM Page cov-7