8.24 = 114.8.
a quart of
water should be 946.3
since the control of the methods is
not as good as when the testing is done in the laboratory. The total number of tips should
equal the amount of water poured into the gauge, divided by the calibrated number of tips
per the number of milliliters of water shown in the table. For example, a quart of water is
equal to 946.3 milliliters. So for a 0.01 ” calibration, the number of counts
of the volume at 1 to 6 inches of precipitation per
hour. Best results are obtained by taking a multiple of the volume of water and counting a
number of tips. For example, the 0.01 ” calibration at 100 counts requires 824 milliliters of
4.3 Field Calibration
To verify the rain gauge calibration after the gauge has been installed, best results may be
obtained using the calibration bottle. The bottle may be filled to the specified level and then
placed into the funnel of the gauge. While the bottle slowly empties the water into the funnel
other tasks may be performed if necessary. If the calibration bottle is not available, use any
calibrated measuring device and slowly pour the water into the gauge. Keep track of the
bucket tips either manually or through the use of the electronic monitoring equipment. For
field testing methods, use an expected accuracy of
Gauge Calibration Table
Volume of Water
8.24 ml
0.05” 41.20 ml
m m 6.48 ml
mm 16.215 ml
18.53 ml
0.2 mm 14.60 ml
0.5 mm 36.48 ml
Use a flow rate of 1 ml per second to avoid over filling of the buckets and loss of water due
to splashing. the desired accuracy is
Allow a measured amount of water to flow into the gauge at a specified rate. Refer to the
table shown below. The tipping bucket should begin tipping and will give the number of tips
calculated. The tips may be counted by listening to the bucket assembly and manually
tabulating the count or by using the electronic monitoring equipment that is to be connected
to the rain gauge during its normal operation. Should the gauge appear to need adjustment,
make the adjustments in small increments and retest each change at least three times.
Model Number