data channels, one for wind speed and the second for wind direction.
Each- is powered from
its respective 2-wire measurement loop.
The measurement time base for the wind speed-to-current conversion in the encoder is crystal
controlled for stable long-term accuracy.
Likewise, ratiometric signal conditioning is used to the
direction measurement circuitry to minimize drift and non-linerity.
Two versions are offered; the WMS-22A measures wind speed only, while the WMS-22 measures
both wind speed and direction. The WMS-22 systems consist of two subassemblies: a wind sensor
and a signal conditioning electronics assembly.
2.1 The Wind Sensor
The rotating assembly containing the three-cup anemometer and wind vane for sensing wind speed
and directional information is called the wind sensor. The wind vane is mounted on a common axis
with the anemometer and includes a tail fin with a nose weight that provides balance.
The wind vane
is coupled to an angular encoder which is housed within the cylindrical weather skirt.
2.2 The Encoder
The encoder electronics package is housed in a sealed NEMA enclosure and contains two independent
output signals for use by process control or monitoring systems.
external power is required since the encoding electronics for wind speed and for wind direction are
isolated and powered from their respective 2-wire current loops.
The WMS-22 wind sensor includes a three-cup anemometer and wind vane. The sensor is ruggedly
constructed of UV-resistant ABS plastic and anodized aluminum parts. The cable that connects the
pole-mounted wind sensor to the encoder electronics package may be extended up to a total of 250
feet. The encoded current loops signals may be transmitted over distances of up to several miles.
The electronics package, which is typically mounted in an indoor locations, is supplied in a gasketed,
measures wind speed and direction and converts each
paramenter into 4-20
Instruction Manual
The WMS-22 Current Loop
OMEGA Engineering
Model WMS-22 and WMS-22A Current Loop