exection condition The ON or OFF status under which an instruction is executed. The execution
condition is determined by the logical combination of conditions on the same
instruction line and up to the instruction being executed.
execution time The time required for the CPU to execute either an individual instruction or
an entire program.
Expansion I/O Unit An Expansion I/O Unit is connected to increase the number of I/O points
extended counter A counter created in a program that count higher that any of the standard
counters provided by the individual instructions.
extented timer A timer created in a program that times longer that any of the standard timers
provided by the individual instructions.
Factory Intelligent Terminal A Programming Device provided with advanced programming and debugging
capabilities to facilitate PC operation. The Factory Intelligent Terminal also
provides various interfaces for external devices, such as floppy disk drives.
fatal error An error that will stop PC operation and require correction before operation
can be continued.
FIT Short for Factory Intelligent Terminal.
flag A dedicated bit in memory that is set by the system to indicate some type of
operating status. Some flags, such as the carry flag, can also be set by the
operator or program.
flicker bit A bit that is programmed to turn ON and OFF at a specific interval.
force reset The process of artificially turning OFF a bit from a Programming Device. Bits
are usually turned OFF as a result of program execution.
force set The process of artificially turning ON a bit from a Programming Device. Bits
are usually turned ON as a result of program execution.
function code A two-digit number used to input an instruction into the PC.
GPC Short for Graphic Programming Console.
A Programming Device provided with advanced programming and debugging
capabilities to facilitate PC operation. A Graphic Programming Console is
provided with a large display onto which ladder-diagram programs can be
written directly in ladder-diagram symbols for input into the PC without con-
version to mnemonic form.
hardware error An error originating in the hardware structure of the PC, as opposed to a soft-
ware error, which ordinates in software (i.e., programs).
hexadecimal A number system where all numbers are expressed to the base 16. Although
in a PC all data is ultimately stored in binary form, displays on and inputs
through Programming Devices are often expressed in hexadecimal to facili-
tate operation. Each four binary bits is numerically equivalent to one hexade-
cimal digit.
Graphic Programming