List of Usage Methods by Purpose Section 1-7
Operation Stopping remote I/O communica-
tions with all Slaves
Stop communications using the Configurator or the
Remote I/O Communications Stop Switch in the
allocated CIO Area words.
Using a scan list in remote I/O
communications (fixed alloca-
Turn ON the Scan List Enable Switch in the allo-
cated CIO Area words.
Enabling a scan list in remote I/O
communications (user-set alloca-
tions by allocated DM Area
Set the allocation areas using the allocated DM
Area words, and turn ON the user-set allocations
user setting switch for the allocated CIO Area
Changing the communications
system configuration
Turn ON the Scan List Clear Switch for the allo-
cated CIO Area words, and turn the Scan List
Enable Switch back ON after you change the com-
munications system.
Checking master I/O allocation
status (fixed allocations, user-set
allocations by allocated DM Area
words, user-set allocations by the
Monitor the Master Status 2 status codes in the
allocated CIO Area words from a Programming
Checking to see if all slaves are
registered in the scan list
Check the Registered Slave Table in the allocated
CIO Area words.
Checking to see if all slaves are
performing remote I/O communi-
cations properly
Check the Normal Slave Table in the allocated CIO
Area words.
Checking to see if there is an
error history in the DeviceNet
Check the error history (registration yes/no) in the
allocated CIO Area words from a Programming
Monitoring the error history in the
DeviceNet Unit
Execute the device monitor function from the Con-
figurator (Error History Tab).
DeviceNet Con-
figurator Opera-
tion Manual
Monitoring status of the
DeviceNet Unit
Execute the device monitor function from the Con-
figurator (Status and Unit Status Tabs).
Checking the current communi-
cations cycle time
Execute the device monitor function from the Con-
figurator (Current Communications Cycle Time
Adjusting the communications
cycle time
Execute the device parameter edit function from
the Configurator (Communications Cycle Time
Saving all parameters, like scan
list data, for masters and slaves
on the network
Save the network configuration from the Configura-
Replacing a DeviceNet Unit 1. Insert a Memory Card in the CPU Unit and turn
ON the Unit Setup File Backup Switch in the
allocated CIO Area words.
2. Replace the DeviceNet Unit.
3. Turn ON the Unit Setup File List Switch in the
allocated CIO Area words.
4. Turn ON Scan List Clear Switch in the allocated
CIO Area words.
5. Make sure the slave is connected, and then turn
ON the Scan List Enable Switch.
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Situation Action Page