Mail Receive Function Errors Section 3-8
3-8-3 Error Log Codes Related to the Mail Receive Function
If an error occurs while the Ethernet Unit is operating, the main error code,
detailed error code, and time stamp will be recorded in the error log.
The contents of the error log can be read by sending a FINS command to the
Ethernet Unit or sending the ErrorLogRead command through e-mail.
Note For more details on the error log, refer to 8-3 Error Log in the Operation Man-
ual Construction of Networks (W420).
Error code
Meaning Detailed error code Correction EEPROM
1st byte 2nd byte
021A Logic error in
setting table
00 01: Data link table
02: Network parameters
03: Routing table
04: Unit Setup
05: CPU Bus Unit words
(CIO or DM)
Correctly set the data
indicated by the 2nd
byte of the detailed
error code.
03C1 Server set-
ting error
00: DNS
01: SMTP
02: POP3
03: SNTP
01: IP address
02: Host name
03: Port number
04: Other parameter
Correctly set the server
settings indicated by
the detailed error code.
Not saved
03C4 Server con-
nection error
00: DNS
01: SMTP
02: POP3
03: SNTP
01: Specified host not found
02: No service from speci-
fied host
03: Timeout
04: Connection closed unilat-
erally by host
05: Could not connect,
account information
06: Host name resolution
07: Transmission error
08: Reception error
09: Other error
Take one of the follow-
ing steps:
• Correctly set the indi-
cated server's set-
• Inspect the communi-
cations path (Ethernet
Unit, cable connec-
tions, hub, router, and
server) and correct
any problems or dam-
Not saved
03C5 Mail mainte-
nance func-
tion error
0000 to EFFF: FINS error response
F101: Normal completion
F101: E-mail too large
F102: E-mail address error
F103: Invalid command
F104: Protected (Command type)
F105: Invalid subject
F201: Invalid parameter
F301: Decoding error
F302: Invalid attached file
F303: Attached file does not exist
F304: Protected (File extension)
F305: Attached file too large
• Determine the cause
of the error from the
detailed error code,
correct the problem,
and send the com-
mand again.
Not saved