DeviceNet Connections Appendix B
Connections Using Allocations
Setting Connection Type
The settings for remote I/O communications connections differ depending on the allocation method, as outlined
Fixed Allocation or User-set Allocations Using Allocated DM Area Words
The Master CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit automatically selects either poll or bit-strobe, whichever makes the
communications cycle time shortest.
User-set allocations Using Configurator
The Master CS/CJ-series DeviceNet Unit can make an automatic selection, the same as above, or the user
can select up to two connections for a Slave. The setting method is outlined below.
1. Select the Master Node in the Network Configuration Window in the Configurator.
2. Select Device – Parameters – Edit – All Masters and select the corresponding Slave. Click the Detailed
Settings Button.
3. On the Connection Tab Page shown below, select a check box.
• Automatic selection
• User selection
Select up to two connections from poll, bit–strobe, COS and cyclic. COS and cyclic connections cannot be
used at the same time.
Allocation method Contents
Without Con-
Fixed allocation (scan
list disabled or
Only 1 connection, automatically selected by
the DeviceNet Unit. (Either a polling or bit-
strobe connection is used.)
User-set allocations
using allocated DM
Area word settings
Only 1 connection, automatically selected by
the DeviceNet Unit based on the I/O area
set in the Master User Allocations Table.
With Configu-
User-set allocations
using Configurator
The user can select the connection to be
used for each node address with the Config-
urator e.g., poll could be used for data and
COS could be used for status. Automatic
selection or user selection can be specified.
Two connections can be used simulta-
neously for one slave (but COS and cyclic
cannot be used simultaneously.)
CPU Unit user program
DeviceNet Unit
COS send switch OFF to ON
I/O refresh
COS send instruction
I/O using normal connection COS output
Communications cycle
Communications cycle
Communications cycle
Communications cycle