4-2SectionProgramming Console Operations
Name Function
Reading a program
memory address
Reads the contents of the Program Memory. Displays the status of the currently displayed bit
in PROGRAM and MONITOR modes.
Instruction search Finds occurrences of the specified instruction in the program.
Bit operand search Finds occurrences of the specified operand bit in the program.
Inserting and deleting
Inserts or deletes instructions from the program.
Entering or editing
Overwrites the contents of the current Program Memory to either input a program for the first
time or to change a program that already exists.
Checking the program Checks for programming errors and displays the program address and error when errors are
Bit, digit, word monitor Monitors the status of up to 16 bits and words, although only 3 can be shown on the display
at one time.
Multiple address
Monitors the status of up to 6 bits and words simultaneously.
Differentiation monitor Monitors the up or down differentiation status of a particular bit.
Binary monitor Monitors the ON/OFF status of any word’s 16 bits.
3-word monitor Monitors the status of three consecutive words.
Signed decimal
Converts the contents of the specified word from signed hexadecimal (two’s complement
format) to signed decimal for display.
Unsigned decimal
Converts hexadecimal data in a word to unsigned decimal for display.
3-word data
Changes the contents of one or more of the 3 consecutive words displayed in the 3-Word
Monitor operation.
Changing timer,
counter SV 1
Changes the SV of a timer or counter.
Changing timer,
counter SV 2
Makes fine adjustment changes to the SV of the timer or counter.
Hexadecimal, BCD
data modification
Changes the BCD or hexadecimal value of a word being monitored.
Binary data
Changes the status of a word’s bits when the word is being monitored.
Signed decimal data
Changes the decimal value of a word being monitored as signed decimal data. The contents
of the specified word are converted automatically to signed hexadecimal (two’s complement
Unsigned decimal data
Changes the decimal value of a word being monitored as unsigned decimal data. A change
into hexadecimal data is made automatically.
Force set/reset Forces bits ON (force set) or OFF (force reset.)
Clear force set/reset Restores the status of all bits which have been force set of reset.
Hex-ASCII display
Converts word data displays back and forth between 4-digit hexadecimal data and ASCII.
Displaying the cycle
Displays the current average cycle time (scan time.)
4-2-2 Clearing Memory
This operation is used to clear all or part of the Program Memory and any data
areas that are not read-only, as well as the contents of the Programming Con-
sole’s memory. This operation is possible in PROGRAM mode only.
No No OK
Before beginning to program for the first time or when installing a new program,
clear all areas.
All Clear The following procedure is used to clear memory completely.
1, 2, 3... 1. Bring up the initial display by pressing the CLR key repeatedly.