4. Background: To select what background screen the DVD player shows when it is not playing a
disc. The available options are:
• Default – Show the factory-installed background screen.
• Captured – Use the customer-captured image as the background screen.
5. Dimmer Control: To control the display intensity of the Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD)
information window. In case you feel that the display becomes a distraction to your enjoyment
of the video, this option allows you to dim it or turn it off. The available options are:
• On - The VFD window is at normal brightness.
• Dim - The VFD window is at reduced brightness.
• Off – The VFD window is turned off. In this mode the display resumes momentarily when
there is any user operation.
6. OSD Mode: To select how long the on-screen display information, such as elapsed or
remaining time, stays on the TV screen. The available options are:
• Normal – On-screen display information stays on the TV screen until the user cancels it.
• Silent – On-screen display information shows on the TV screen momentarily and then
disappears. The front panel display still maintains the selected display information.
7. Angle Mark (on/off): To turn on/off the display of angle mark when a DVD disc with multiple
available angles is played. Keeping the angle mark off avoids distraction from normal movie
8. SACD Priority: To select which audio layers to play for SACD (Super Audio CD). The options
• Multi-Channel – Play the multi-channel surround audio
• Stereo – Play the 2-channel stereo audio
• CD Mode – Play the CD layer of a hybrid SACD disc
The SACD Priority setting is changed every time you use the AUDIO button to switch layer
while playing an SACD disc.
9. DVD-Audio Mode: To select which portion of a hybrid DVD-Audio disc to playback. The
options are:
• DVD-Audio – Play the DVD-Audio portion of the disc with high-resolution audio
• DVD-Video
– Play the DVD-Video portion of the disc with Dolby Digital or DTS audio
10. Subtitle Font: To select the subtitle font size for digital video such as XviD. There are three
font sizes available. This setting applies only to video files with a text subtitle. Video files with a
graphic subtitle do not use the DVD player’s built-in font, so the font size cannot be adjusted.
11. Photo Mode (HD/SD): To select whether to render digital photo files in high definition (HD)
mode or standard definition (SD) mode. HD mode will result in a display with finer details and
higher resolution, but special slide show effects such as transition, rotation, and flipping are not
available. SD mode displays the image in lower resolution. Special slide show effects can be
applied to photos displayed in SD mode. Please refer to page
42 for available operations.
12. Auto Play Mode (on/off): To select whether the DVD player shall start playing an audio CD,
SACD or a disc containing digital video, audio and picture files automatically. When auto play
mode is turn on, these discs will start playing upon insertion into the player. When auto play