• Small – Choose if the center speaker is small. Bass frequencies are not passed to the
center speaker to reduce possible distortion.
• Off – Choose if there is no center speaker.
4. Rear Speaker: To set the sound filtering control for the rear speakers. The options are:
• Large – Choose if the rear surround speakers are large. Bass frequencies are passed to
the rear speakers.
• Small – Choose if the rear surround speakers are small. Bass frequencies are not passed
to the rear speakers to reduce possible distortion.
• Off – Choose if there are no rear speakers.
5. Subwoofer: To enable/disable the subwoofer output. The options are:
• On – Subwoofer output is enabled.
• Off – Subwoofer output is disabled.
6. Channel Delay: To set the delay time for the center, rear speakers and the subwoofer. The
delay is to compensate for the audio propagation time difference caused by the distance
difference of the speakers to the listener.
• Press the UP/DOWN ARROW buttons to select the speaker to set the distance difference.
• Press the LEFT/RIGHT ARROW buttons to set the distance difference.
• Press the SELECT button to confirm the settings and return to the Speaker Setup Page.
• The channel delay is the difference between the distance from the listener to the front
speakers and the distance from the listener to the speaker to be configured. For example, if
the distance between the listener and the front main speakers is 60 inches (n in the above
picture), and the distance between the listener and the center speaker is 48 inches (o), the
channel delay for the center speaker is 12 inches (n-o=p). Similarly, if the left surround
speaker is 40 inches (q) away from the listener, the channel delay for the left surround
speaker should be 20 inches (n-q=r).
• Distance between the surround speakers and the listener must be shorter than or equal to
that between the front speakers and the listener.
• In case the channel delay settings cannot match your speaker configuration, please set all
distance difference to 0 inch and use your receiver/amplifier to set the channel delay.