
iRIS 220 / iRIS 320, V1.19 User Guide
Comms Enable Screen (Level 5)
The Comms Enable screen is used to enable/disable the establishment of a GPRS/CDMA-1X session. This
option will force a connection over the scheduler if configured.
Comms Test Screen (Level 5)
The Comms Test screen is used to initiate a user connection to the GSM/CDMA network based on the
callback mode and then send an announcement message to the base station or destination cellular phone.
If the base type is set to “Auto Send” the unit will forward any unreported data to the base station.
This may mean connecting to the GPRS/CDMA-1X network (mode = GPRS/CDMA), or establishing a dial-up
link (mode=CSD) or simply sending a text message (mode=SMS).
NOTE: The actual announcement message sent and the communication path used depends on the
callback mode and base type settings. See section 4.3.3 (Comms Cfg) for further details.
5.3 SMS Communication
As at this version of the software, the iRIS will send a pre-programmed text message, either in response to a
request received via SMS (in all modes as long as a GPRS or CDMA session is not currently active), or
because of an alarm or comms test (SMS mode only).
The message is constructed from the device type, site name plus the sensor number, name and current
value of all the enabled sensors. The format is best shown in this example:
My Site Name,1:Water Lvl= 27.69,2:Batt Volts=12.73,3:Supp Volts= 23.90
If the message was sent because of an alarm, the message will have the word “ALARM!” prefixed to the start
of the message.
To request that an SMS message be sent to your cell phone, send a text message to the iRIS with the
message body with the first two letters being uppercase RQ. The iRIS 320 will then reply with the status
message described above. If the request message does not start with RQ, the iRIS 320 will reply with the
message “Request denied!”
NOTE: The SMS function is only available if the SMS service has been enabled in the SIM card (GPRS
models) or in the CDMA service (CDMA versions) and there is not a GPRS/CDMA-1X session active.
If the callback mode is set to GPRS/CDMA-1X or CSD, then the iRIS will respond to incoming SMS
requests, but will not send an SMS message if an alarm occurs or the communication test function is
initiated from the LCD/keypad. In this situation, the iRIS will attempt to either establish a
GPRS/CDMA-1X link or dial a modem at the primary number programmed into the CSD phone list.
Enter Initiate comms test and move up to comms status screen
Alt Enter Move up to comms status screen
Enter Enable/disable GPRS/CDMA session establishment
Alt Enter Move up to Comms Status screen