Serve this pungent and salty spread on crusty baguette slices or with
vegetable crudités. Make extra to use on sandwiches.
1 cup Kalamata olives, pitted 1 tablespoon
3 garlic cloves, peeled fresh lemon juice
30 grams (1 ounce) 1 teaspoon fresh thyme
anchovies 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary
2 tablespoons capers 1 teaspoon fresh oregano
1 teaspoon lemon rind, 2 tablespoons extra virgin
grated olive oil
Place all the ingredients in the 4-Cup Chopper bowl and process until
the mixture forms a coarse paste. Refrigerate for up to one week.
Avocado-Edamame Dip
Frozen shelled green soybeans, edamame, can be found in most
supermarkets, usually in the natural food section.
1 medium ripe avocado, peeled 2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup cooked, Hot sauce, to taste
shelled green soybeans Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup sliced scallions
1/4 cup mayonnaise
Process the avocado and soybeans in the 4-Cup Chopper for about
7 seconds or until nely chopped. Add remaining ingredients and
process until smooth.
Makes about 2 cups.
Chicken with Herb Crust
1/2–1 cup Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons fresh parsley,
1 tablespoons fresh rosemary,
3 shallots
2 teaspoons freshly cracked
black pepper
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar,
may substitute red wine
or red wine vinegar
Cover chicken generously with mustard. Place parsley, sage, rosemary,
thyme, shallots, salt and pepper in the 4-Cup Chopper. Process until
herbs are chopped and fragrant and shallots are minced. Press herb
mixture into the mustard slathered chicken. Preheat large heavy skillet
on medium heat. Heat 2 tablespoons oil and sauté chicken, skin side
down and cook meat on both sides, turning once, until chicken is
cooked through. Adjust heat
if necessary to avoid burning.
Remove chicken and deglaze pan with vinegar. Scrape up bits on
bottom of pan and cook until liquid is reduced by half. Pour over
Serves 4.
This is a great topping for chicken, lamb, pork or sh.
1 bunch at leaf parsley, stemmed
1 lemon, peel removed
with vegetable peeler and reserved
4 garlic cloves or shallots, peeled
Place all ingredients in 4-Cup Chopper. Pulse until ingredients are
nely minced and incorporated.
1 large chicken, cut up in
parts (skin may be removed
if desired)
2 tablespoons fresh sage,
3 tablespoons fresh thyme,
2 teaspoons kosher salt
2 tablespoons extra virgin
olive oil
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