Minimum/Maximum Temperatures
● Thehighesttemperatureandhumidityvaluessincethelastreset
of the Mold Alert.
● Thelowesttemperatureandhumiditylevelssincethelastreset,
● ThecurrentvaluescanbeshownagainbypressingtheMin/Max
button a third time.
● TheresetkeyislocatedabovetheMin/Maxbuttonontheright
are displayed.
If humidity levels are high
● Tolowerhumidity,youcanopenwindowsorputafaninthearea
to better ventilate it, which may prevent mold growth.
● Ifthereismoistureorawaterleak,moldgrowthmayhave
occurred. This mold can cause health problems and the sooner
you detect it, the more likely you are to be able to control it.
● Ifyoususpectthatyouhaveamoldproblem,andtheremedies
mold control professional.
If humidity levels are low enough
The area in which you have placed the unit is safe from mold growth,
however the Mold Alert thermo-hygrometer is a useful product to have
in any home due to its accurate measurements of temperature, dew
point, and humidity.
● DonotexposetheMoldAlerttoextremetemperatures,vibration,
or shock.
● Cleantheunitwithasoftdampcloth.Donotusesolventsor
scouring agents.
● Replacebatteriesiftheunitstopsworking.