If the unit detects a problem, one of the following messages will be
displayed on the cordless handset or the base unit.
Cordless handset display
The battery needs to be charged. Place the
cordless handset on the charger to charge the
battery (p. 12).
The cordless handset has lost communication
with the base unit. Move closer to the base unit
and try again.
When trying to store an item or Caller List
information in the directory, the directory
memory is full (p. 36, 40). To erase other stored
items from the directory, see page 46.
If the Following Appear...
Recharge battery
No link to base.
Walk closer to
base & try again
Directory full
Adding Another Phone
T-Adaptor (KX-J66)
Standard Telephone
Line Cord
Telephone Jack
This unit will not function during a power failure. To connect a standard
telephone on the same line, use the Panasonic T-adaptor KX-J66.
To order, call the accessories telephone number on page 2.