
File Management
Take Numbers
Take numbers are four-digit integers between 0001 and 9999, starting with the letter “T”. Take
numbers increase by one each time a new fi le is generated. Take numbers auto-increment, although
the take number can be overridden and a new take number can be selected selected in the setup
menu. If the 744T detects a fi le with a duplicate name in the destination directory, the letter suffi x,
starting with “A” is added to the fi le name after the take number with poly fi les and after the track
designator in mono fi les. Note that take number handling can be selected to reset to 0001 if “daily
folder with take reset” is applied in the setup menu (see File Management and Copying on page 35).
File Management and Copying
The 744T, like a computer, writes its audio recordings to a fi le system. That system is FAT32. The
744T formats its internal hard drive and Compact Flash medium as single volumes named “744T”.
All fi les generated by the 744T are placed in the folder (directory) named SOUNDDEV. The 744T does
not write to the root of the volume. If Daily Folders are selected, the 744T will generate a new folder,
named by date, each day upon power-up. Otherwise all recorded fi les will be stored directly in the
SOUNDDEV directory.
A hierarchical view of fi les generated by the 744T is below. Notice the volume name, SOUNDDEV
folder, and daily folders, along with fi les contained within the folders.
.. S001T0001.BWF
.. S001T0002.BWF
.. S001T0003.BWF
.. S001T0004.BWF
.. S001T0005.BWF
.. S002T0001.BWF
.. S002T0002.BWF
File Finder Navigation
Moving from fi le to fi le is similar to navigating among fi les on a computer.
1. Enter the fi le menu by either selecting File:View Files fi le in the setup menu or by pressing the front
panel HDD key. By default the current record folder is opened.
2. To move up the hierarchy scroll up to the top of the menu to “\..” .
3. Press enter or the Multi-Function Controller button to go up one menu level.
4. From the root menu, selecting \.. opens the media select screen.
5. Pressing enter or the controller button opens the root directory of the highlighted media.
6. Continuing up the fi le hierarchy the media menu is viewable. Select either internal hard drive or CF (if
installed) and drill down through the directories of that medium to the fi le required.