3. Basic operations
3-3-5. Key setup
The key type and other settings can be selected.
289 1P
#FL(KNN%QN *^5^.
#FL'FIG%QN *^5^.
qKey Type
[4] KEY Setup Menu
1. Key Type
This item is used to select the key type.
Luminance (ChrmOff)
(luminance key/chroma off: Self key):
The key signal is created from the luminance
component of the key fill signal.
Luminance (ChrmOn)
(luminance key/chroma on: Self key):
The key signal is created from the luminance and
chrominance components of the key fill signal.
Linear (linear key: EXT key):
The key signal is created from the luminance component
of the key source signal. This setting is used when the
key source signal and key fill signal are different.
Chroma (Chroma key: Self key):
The key signal is created using a specific hue of the key
fill signal as a reference.
Since the luminance key and chrominance key function as
self keys, the key fill signal is used as the key source signal.
When the luminance key or chrominance key has been
selected as the key type, the key signal remains unchanged
even when the key source signal is switched.
When the linear key is used, use a material with a black
background and white characters or shapes to be used
for the key combination as the key source signal. The key
combination may not be achieved neatly with materials
having colors other than black and white.
With materials with a white background and black
characters, for example, the key level can be reversed and
used by selecting ON for the key invert setting.
<Setting the key invert>
[5] KEY Adjust Menu
4. Invert
[4] KEY Setup Menu
2. Fill
This item is used to select the fill type.
The bus signal is used for the key fill signal.
The internal fill matte is used for the key fill signal.
[4] KEY Setup Menu
3. PVW
This item enables an image with key effects added to be
output for the PVW image to adjust and check the key.
On: An image with key effects added is output for the
PVW image.
Off: An image with no key effects added is output for the
PVW image.
qSet Fill Col
[4] KEY Setup Menu
4. Set Fill Col
This item is used to select any of the following colors for the
fill matte.
White, Yellow, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Red, Blue, Black
qAdj Fill Col
[4] KEY Setup Menu
5. Adj Fill Col
This item is used to adjust the hue (H), saturation (S) and
luminance (L) of the color which has been set for the fill