
Consult with your contracted ISP about which connection type to use, or about your service or contract.
Data Entry Field
* If it is not necessary to enter information into the data entry field, leave it blank.
5. Register an ISP
The ISP registration page allows you to register
new ISPs for this product, edit them, and delete
them. Internet connection methods vary according
to the ISP. Select a connection method referring to
the ISP's setup information.
Connection Type Description
PPPoE (see page 17)
ISP Name
User Name/Password
Service Name
Access Concentrator Name
DNS Server 1/DNS Server 2
Domain Name
It is necessary to enter the following data when using
PPPoE connection. Enter the user name and
password referring to the ISP's setup information.
Enter the service name, access concentrator name
DNS server 1, DNS server 2, and/or domain name if
specified by the ISP.
DHCP (see page 19)
ISP Name
•Device Name
DNS Server 1/DNS Server 2
Domain Name
When the ISP is using a DHCP server, setup entry is
not essentially necessary. However, sometimes it is
necessary to enter the device name, gateway, DNS
server 1, DNS server 2, and/or domain name. Enter
them referring to your ISP's setup information.
Static (see page 21)
ISP Name
IP Address
Subnet Mask
DNS Server 1/DNS Server 2
Domain Name
Enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS
server 1, and DNS server 2 specified by the ISP. Enter
the domain name if specified by the ISP.