When it comes to reproducing quality audio, the world’s largest speaker manufac-
turer makes it perfectly clear with innovative “high-performance” material, new
cone technology, and the distinctive arc styling. Delivering rich bass, solid
vocals and scintillating highs with exceptional clarity, Panasonic speakers translate
the power and performance of our end-to-end digital signal into an unforgettable
audio experience.
Hybrid Aramid Speaker Cone – Responsive in So Many Ways
New advances present new challenges! The high power of our digital amplifiers demand new speaker solutions to tap their full potential.
Our R&D department has responded with a revolutionary hybrid Aramid speaker cone.
Discrete Edge Design
By locating the rolled edge of the surround speaker inside and below the outer
perimeter of the cone, Panasonic realizes an extended cone and wider effective
diaphragm area for improved low frequency response. Edge distortion, which is nor-
mally caused by edge radiation, is also reduced.
Performance Comparison (Acoustical Characteristics)
Conventional Cone (Resin/Inorganic Filler)
New Hybrid Aramid Speaker Cone
Aramid, the Super Fiber
Used in a variety of applications from aerospace to bullet
proofbody armor, Aramid is a remarkablesynthetic fiber
with amazing strength and other useful properties.To tap
these qualities, Panasonic has developed original tech-
nology to uniformly mixlong 3mm Aramid fibers in resin.
The result is a true hybrid cone material for fabrication of
even thinner and lighter diaphragms with high rigidity
and uniform characteristics throughout.
Higher Internal Loss for Crystal Clarity
The advent of the Aramid hybrid has brought us closer
than ever to realizing the ideal speaker cone. Not only
does this new material greatly improve rupture resist-
ance, it also allows us to achieve a high internal loss
without sacrificing gains in propagation velocity.
Thanks to the superior internal loss characteristics
(twice that of our previous models), the clarity is
astounding, eliminating the muddy sound that plagues
conventional speakers.
Light and Super Thin for “Fast” Response
The conventional practice of coating, layering or sand-
wiching fibers provides reinforcement at the expense of
weight and thinness. With our innovative mixing tech-
nology, we can fabricate an extremely lightweight cone
that is the thinnest (0.2~0.3mm) in the industry yet still
enjoy the benefits of a high degree of stiffness and excel-
lent shape retention. For the listener, this means a speak-
er that delivers incredibly fast and smooth response
across an extended frequency range, but is durable
enough to handle the awesome power of our digital
amps. From deep bass to scintillating highs, the quality of
the sound imaging is clear and natural.
Directionally oriented fibers in the new hybrid aramid
speaker produces better internal loss characteristics
while maintaining sound propagation.
Random polymer orientation in metallic mold of a con-
ventional mica-polypropylene cone.
New Hybrid Aramid Speaker Cone (Resin/Long Fibers)
Improved (higher) internal loss Clarity of sound
Conventional Cone (Resin/Inorganic Filler)
Low internal loss Muddy sound
By adopting a resin-fiber hybrid, acoustical characteristics are improved.
Suppression of “dips”