To ensure correct parts supply,please let us know the following,
Part No. when you make service parts order:
1.Part No. 2.Description 3.Q'ty 4.Volts-Hz-Ph 5.Product Mode No.
Part No. Description Model Number Q'ty Reference No.
81 CV6233136394 Packing 1 8522252816710
82 CV6233136370 Packing 2 8522238093710
83 CV6233136363 Packing 2 8522238092810
84 CV6233188911 Caution Label 1 8546575944300
85 CV6233190785 Mounting Plate 1 8522238531801
CV6233187853 Installation Instructions 1 8526419058400
CV6233187860 Installation Instructions 1 8526419058300
CV6233187846 Installation Instructions 1 8526419058500
NOTE: Metal and plastic parts will be supplied basically
with necessary heat insulation pads or packing.
Each key number with an asterisk (*) means the
recommended service parts.