
Using These Operating Instructions
Background Knowledge
Read this manual in detail before using the scan function of the main unit. If you are
not familiar with the operating environment for the scan function, read the relevant
manuals first.
Operating environment refers to personal computers, networks, and the respective
operating systems and applications on which these machines run.
This manual is targeted at users who are using the DP-6000/7000 Network Scanner.
Read the contents of this manual in its entirety. You may skip sections on the options
you did not purchase.
The following is a summary of each chapter:
Chapter 1 Before Using the Scanner
This chapter provides a summary of the scan function and preparation on using the
network scanner.
Chapter 2 Operating the Scanner
This chapter describes how to scan the document.
Chapter 3 Operating the Client (Personal Computer)
This chapter describes how to import the stored document from the mailbox of the
machine to a personal computer.
Chapter 4 Precautions and Limitations
This chapter describes the precautions and limitations when using the scan function.
This section provides information on the software that are compatible with the