
WORKiO DP-4510 is also a high-speed scanning
solution.Equipped with an inverting ADF unit (70-
page capacity),it can automatically perform double-
side scanning of documents as large as A3 size.
Scanned documents can later be printed out at
quality comparable to the original document
thanks to high-resolution scanning at 600 x 600dpi
with 256 levels of gray scale.
When the optional Network Scanning Module is
combined with WORKiO built-in network connec-
tivity,DP-4510 becomes a powerful multi-protocol
network scanner that revolutionises document
distribution. Instead of copying documents and
then delivering them around the office by hand,
network scanning and the intuitive WORKiO inter-
face make it easy to send scanned documents to
specified PC “Scan to PC”or Server “Scan to Server”
on the LAN.
WORKiO’s Internet Fax/E-mail option also provides
the platform with a fax/e-mail gateway function.
Incoming faxes can be automatically routed to the
designated recipient’s e-mail inbox where the
attached image file can be easily opened and
viewed with a standard image viewer such as
“Imaging for Windows”.Also with the optional fax
communication kit and Panafax Desktop software,
users can send documents directly from their PC
via the LAN and WORKiO gateway to G3 fax
machines around the world.
With the Internet Fax/E-mail option, WORKiO is
equipped to deliver cutting-edge document dis-
tribution solutions to your business. Documents
are scanned as TIFF-F image files and then trans-
mitted as e-mail attachments. For example, with
the “Send to E-mail” feature, scanned documents
can be directly sent from the WORKiO DP-4510 to
other Internet Fax-capable platforms or even
multiple e-mail clients anywhere in the world.
Simultaneous distribution of the same document
to multiple e-mail clients and G3 fax terminals is
easy using the “Mixed Broadcast” feature and
convenient fax/e-mail utilities like the WORKiO
Address Book.
multiprotocol, multinetwork design
Broad OS compatibility ensures LAN clients using Windows®
XP/2000/98/Me and even Windows NT can all take advantage
of the versatile “Push-type” network scanning capability of
WORKiO DP-4510.
powerful distribution options at your fingertips
Friendly WORKiO GUI guides users through every step of the scan-
ning and document distribution process. For example, even after
pressing start,the interface keeps the user informed of the progress
of the scanning job with an animated graphic.
DD Server Software
Saving paper and reducing storage space needs,DD Server soft-
ware is easily installed in a file server for more efficient network
document sharing.Using the optional DD Server software,doc-
uments are scanned with WORKiO's ADF and sent to the server
for storage.At the same time,a single cover sheet stamped with
the DD bar code to identify the scanned document is printed
out for filing by the user. Later users can quickly retrieve and
print out the entire document just by scanning the DD code-
stamped cover sheet.
Super G3 and JBIG
Super G3 is the new fax com-
munication speed standard
available in high-end busi-
ness fax machines. WORKiO
fax module also has JBIG
compression for more effi-
cient compression of images
at higher resolution,resulting
in smaller files, faster trans-
mission and superior output.
“Quick Memory Transmission”
For fax transmission of multiple pages,WORKiO begins transmis-
sion while scanning pages.
scanned document management
When a scanned document arrives, Document Manager noti-
fies the user and automatically opens it.Image Viewer enables
the user to easily view, annotate or attach memos to the file.
drag and drop” simplicity, users can manage and edit
documents from their desktop PC, and even share them with
other PCs.
one-touch document routing
WORKiO’s Address Book allows registration of up to 1,000
addresses (optional hard disk drive unit required.) Fax numbers,
e-mail addresses as well as network addresses can be easily reg-
istered using the “soft” keyboard. Also a handy utility supports
easy creation of a standardised e-mail header.
Original document is scanned,and WORKiO
sends the entire document in digitised form
to the DD Server. It also prints out a single
cover sheet with a special DD code.This ID
cover sheet is filed by the user.
Retrieval is simple
and quick. Just scan
the cover sheet with
the DD code and the
server retrieves the
file for printing.
Panafax Desktop
Result Notice is automatically
sent to the sender’s IP address.
WORKiO – the Scanning & Document
Distribution Solution
high-speed network scanning
Transform WORKiO DP-4510 into a high-perform-
ance fax station. The optional fax communication
kit adds fast 33.6 kbps Super G3 fax capability
accelerated by 0.7-sec “Quick Scanning”for shorter
prep time and Quick Memory Transmission. High
600 x 600 dpi communication resolution preserves
the high scanning resolution of WORKiO for
accurate reproduction at the destination.
fast faxing
internet faxing
gateway to “paperless” productivity
network scanning versatility
desktop document management
“Quick Memory
Dial and Start Transmission
While Storing to Memory
First Page
Scan, Store to Memory
Connection and Data Transmission Time
Dial and Start Transmission
WORKiO Solutions
E-mail Server
E-mail Client
Standard in the latest Panafax models and available
as an option on many WORKiO multifunction plat-
forms, Internet faxing offers incredible economy and
versatility. IP-based fax capability is one of the key
components of WORKiO's next-generation document
distribution network.
WORKiO not only gets documents into the digital
flow faster with high-speed scanning,but also pro-
vides Document Manager software for efficient
management,editing and sharing of scanned doc-
uments. For very large-scale document manage-
ment based on a client-server model, the optional
DD Server System takes your business a major
step closer toward realising paperless document
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Client’s PCs
Step 1:
Step 2:
Document IN
Document OUT
Panafax Desktop software
PC Fax lets users send documents from their PCs directly to fax
machines.By eliminating the step of printing out a hard copy and
then running it through the fax machine,PC Fax can save valuable
paper,labor and time.