Sending Documents via LAN
Basic Operations
When using the Internet communication mode, a failure report will print automatically for each transaction if
the email is returned undelivered by the mail server. The printout will consist of the undelivered message
contents supplied by the mail server and a portion of the first page’s image for that particular transaction.
Failure Report Sample (User unknown)
Returned Email
MMM-dd-yyyyy 14:49 DX/800
Received: from localhost (localhost) by ifeifl.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp (8.6.12/3.4W3) with
internal id OAA24381; Sun, MMM-dd-yyyy 14:52:57 +0900
Date: Sun, MMM-dd-yyyy 14:52:57 +0900
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem <MAILER-DAEMON@ifeifl.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>
Subject: Returned mail: User unknown
Message-Id: <200011120552.OAA243B1@ifeifl.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>
To: <fax@nwpc31.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>
The original message was received at Sun, MMM-dd-yyyy 14:52:54 +0900
from nwpc31.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp []
----- The following addresses had delivery problems -----
<error@nwr39.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp> (unrecoverable error)
----- Transcript of session follows -----
.... while talking to nwr39.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp.:
>>> RCPT To:<error@nwr39.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>
<<< 550 <error@nwr39.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>... User unknown
550 <error@nwr39.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>... User unknown
----- Original message follows -----
Return-Path: fax@nwpc31.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp
Received: from nwpc31.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp (Internet FAX) (nwpc31.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp [172.21
.22.51]) by ifeifl.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp (8.6.12/3.4W3) with SMTP id OAA24380 for <error@nwr39
.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>; Sun, MMM-dd-yyyy 14:52:54 +0900
Message-ID: <200011120552.OAA24380@ifeifl.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: image/tiff
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="image.tif"
Content-Description: image.tif
X-Mailer: Internet FAX, MGCS
Date: Sun, MMM-dd-yyyy 14:49:00 +0900
From: "DP-2000" <fax@nwpc31.rdmg.mgcs.mei.co.jp>
Subject: IMAGE from Internet FAX
To: error@nwr39.rdmg.mgcs.mei.cp.jp