The FP0-TC4 and FP0-TC8 thermocouple units are suitable for user
friendly temperature acquisition using standard thermocouples with
high precision.
■ Up to three units can be added to each control unit, enabling
temperature control of up to 24 channels.
■ The temperature data obtained using the thermocouple is converted to
the digital value to be read into the FP0 control unit.
■ Standard types of thermocouples can be used: K, J, T and R
■ 3 temperature measurement ranges are available:
-100°C to +500°C (Thermocouple types: K and J)
-100°C to +400°C (Thermocouple type : T)
- 0°C to +1500°C (Thermocouple type : R)
■ The temperature data measured using the sensor is converted to
degrees Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit inside the Thermocouple Unit.
■ The converted data (°C or °F) is averaged, so that even unstable input
signals can be properly read.
■ Broken thermocouples can be detected.
FP0 Thermocouple Input Expansion Units
Enable high precision temperature control at low cost
Temperature control
8 channels
4 channels
Item Specification
Input points
Input range
Up to 8 channels per unit (The number of input points can be changed 2, 4, 6 and 8 channels are available)
Thermocouple types K, J -100°C to 500°C
Thermocouple types T -100°C to 400°C
Thermocouple types R 0°C to 1500°C
Resolution 0.1°C
Sampling cycle
300ms: when using 2 channels for an input points
500ms: when using 4 channels for an input points
700ms: when using 6 channels for an input points
900ms: when using 8 channels for an input points
Range for K and J (-100°C to 500°C): 0.8°C
Range for T (-100°C to 400°C): 0.8°C
Range for R (0°C to 99.9°C): 3°C
(100°C to 299.9°C): 2.5°C
(300°C to 1500°C): 2°C
Input Impedance
Insulation method
more than 1MΩ
- between thermocouple input terminals and control unit internal circuits Photo-coupler insulation/DC-DC insulation
- between thermocouple input terminal channels PhotoMOS relay insulation
FP0-TC4 and FP0-TC8 specifications
FP0_broschüre_4093 euen0904 15.10.2004 8:43 Uhr Seite 13
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