P.C.B. (Printed Circuit Board) exchange procedure
1. Caution
Wait 1 minute for the electrolytic capacitors to discharge before removing
any PCB from the unit.
2. Quick adjustment after P.C.B. exchange
P.C.B. Item Volume Test point Level
PFC R548 (P3) P24 connector pin 1 400V ± 1V
Vsus R625 (P3) TPVsus (SS) Vsus ± 1V*
P Board
Vda R545 (P1) TP117 (C9) 74V ± 1V
Vad R6477 (SC) TPVAD (SC) Vad ± 1V* SC Board
Vbk R6670 (SC) TPVBK (SC) Vbk ± 5V*
SS Board Ve R6770 (SS) TPVE (SS) Ve ± 1V*
D1, D2 Board White Balance, Pedestal and Sub brightness for NTSC, Pal, HD, PC, and 625i
*Refer to the Panel label for the exact value.
Adjustment Volume Locations
Figure 68