For assistance, please visit http://www.panasonic.com/consumersupport 9
L Do not touch the plug with wet hands.
L The AC adaptor is used as the main
disconnect device. Ensure that the AC
outlet is installed near the unit and is
easily accessible.
L To prevent the electric shock, use only
the included audio cable with the
transformer when connecting the unit to
an audio device.
To reduce the risk of fire or injury to
persons, read and follow these
L Use only the battery(ies) specified.
L Do not dispose of the battery(ies) in a
fire. They may explode. Check with local
waste management codes for special
disposal instructions.
L Do not open or mutilate the battery(ies).
Rele(y e)-5o cabld
may cause burns or injury to the eyes or
skin. Theatterc9s51d sxa7terc9sv1d2s:te may be toxic if
L Exercise care when handling the
batteries). Do not allow conductive
materials such as rings, bractterc9(t)16.6(s or )]TJ0 -1.2267 TD-0.0017 Tc-0.0428 Tw[(kerc9s51ys to)-9s51 touchthe battery(ies), otherwise
at circut may caue the battery(ies)
and/or the conductivematerial to
overheat and cause burns
L Charge the battery(ies) provided with or
identified for use with thio cab9( )6.7(p)-5.7(r)-2.2(odu)-5.7(ct on)-5.7(ly in )]TJT*-0.0023 Tc-0.0022 Tw[(a)-6.1(ccordan)-6.1(ce)-6.1( w)-6.8(i)-0.1(th)-6.1( the)-6.1( in)-6.1(structio)-6.1(ns a)-6.1(nd )]TJ0 -1.2267 TD-0.0018 Tc0.004 Tw[(l)-6.3(i)0.4(mit)9.4(a)1(ti)-6.3(ons specifie)-5.6(d in th)-5.6(is )6.7(ma)-5.6(nual)-6.3(.)]TJ/TT4 1 Tf12 0 0 12 12xa74 269.6003 Tm-0.0004 Tc0 Tw[(W)58.4(A)-3.2(RNING:)]TJ/F4 1 Tf9 0 0 9 12xa74 255.6203 Tm0 Tc(L)Tj/TT2 1 Tf0.9467 0 TD0.0025 Tc-0.007 Tw[(T)113.3(o cab3( pr)8bl)svent the risk of fire orelectrical
shock, do not expose this product to rain
or sxa7t any type of moisture.
L Unplug this unit from power outlets if it
em cab9(it)16.2(s smoke, )6.7(a)-5.4(n)1.2( abno)-9s4(rma)-5.4(l)0.6( smel)-6.1(l or )]TJ0 -1.22 TD-0.0029 Tc-0.0016 Tw[(ma)-6.7(ke)-6.7(s a)-6.7(n)-0.1( u)-6.7(nusu)-6.7(a)-0.1(l )-6.7(noi)-7.4(se)-6.7(. )-6.7(T)-5.4(hese )]TJT*-0.0014 Tc0.0036 Tw[(co)-5.2(nditio)-5.2(n)1.4(s )6.7(ca)-5.2(n ca)-5.2(use fire or )6.7(e)-5.2(l)0.l
shock. Confirm that smoke has stopped
and contact the Panasonic Call Center
at 1-800-211- cab6(P)79(A)-1(NA (72)-5.1(62).)]TJETq1 i 306 684.62 167.28 -5.64 reW* n1 1 1 rg306 684.62 167.28 -5.64 ref0.602 0.602 0.602 rg306 682.7 m306 683.72 l306 682.7 lfQq1 i 306 683.72 167.28 -1.08 reW n0.602 0.602 0.602 rg306 683.72 167.28 -1.02 refQBT/TT4 1 Tf9 0 0 9 306 672.9803 Tm-0.0044 Tc0 Tw[(Me)-8.2(di)-6.6(ca)-8.2(l)]TJ/F4 1 Tf0 -1.5533 TD0 Tc(L)Tj/TT2 1 Tf0.9467 0 TD-0.0015 Tc0.0037 Tw[(C)-6(onsul)-6(t the manufacturer of )6.7(a)-5.3(n)1. s:
personal medical devices, such as
pacemakers or hearing aido cab8(, to)-9s7( )]TJT*0.0039 Tw[(d)-5.5(e)1.1(termine if th)-5.5(ey )6.7(a)-5.5(r)-2(e )6.7(a)-5.5(deq)-5.5(uatel: )]TJ0 -1.2267 TD-0.0016 Tc[(sh)-5.4(ield)-5.4(ed fro)-5.4(m cab9( )6.7(externa)-5.4(l)0.6( RF (radi)-6.1(o )]TJ0 -1.22 TD-0.0014 Tc-0.0498 Tw[(freq)-5.2(uency) energ)-5.2(y)78.6(. )6.6((T)-3b9(he un)-5.2(it ope)-5.3(rates )6.6(in)-5.2( )]TJ0 -1.2267 TD-0.0021 Tc-0.0557 Tw[(the)-9s9( fre)-9s9(quen)-5.9(cy ra)-9s9(nge)-9s9( of )-6.6(9s7)-9s9(6)0.7( GHz to)-9s9( 5.84 )]TJ0 -1.22 TD-0.0023 Tc-0.0022 Tw[(GHz, a)-6.1(nd )-6.7(th)-6.1(e )-6.7(powe)-6.1(r)-2.6( o)-6.1(u)0.5(tp)-6.1(ut l)-6.8(e)0.5(vel )-6.7(can )]TJT*-0.0021 Tc-0.0824 Tw[(ra)-9s9(nge from )6.7(0)-9s9(.)2.4(2)-9s9(5)0.7( to)-9s9( )6.7(0)-9s9(.)2.4(5)-9s9( )6.7(wa)-9s9(tt)9.1(s.) Do no)-6(t use)-9s9( )]TJ0 -1.2267 TD-0.0014 Tc-0.0031 Tw[(the)-9s2( u)-5.2(n)1.4(it i)-9s9(n)1.4( )-6.7(heal)-9s9(th)-9s2( care)-9s2( facil)-9s9(i)0.l)ties if any
regulations posted in the area instruct
you not to do so. Hospitals or health care
facilities may be using equipment that
could be sensitive to external RF (radio
frequency) energy.