
Station Features and Operation (DPT/SLT)
User Manual 277
Outside callers can leave their messages in your mailbox. When an incoming outside call
arrives, the Operator answers the call and transfers it to your extension. And...
If you set the "Call Forwarding" function whose destination is Voice Mail;
The call will be forwarded to Voice Mail automatically.
If you do not set the "Call Forwarding" function;
The Operator will retrieve the call. Then the Operator transfers the call to Voice Mail with
Voice Mail Transfer button.
Voice Mail can be assigned as the destination of the following features.
a) Call Forwarding — All Calls
b) Call Forwarding — Busy
c) Call Forwarding — No Answer
d) Call Forwarding — Busy/No Answer
e) Intercept Routing
You can set the "Call Forwarding" function from an outside line following the guidance of
the Voice Processing System (VPS) depending on the Panasonic VPS type.
A flexible button can be assigned as the MESSAGE or FWD/DND button.
User Manual References
2.2.2 Flexible Button Assignment
4.3.8 Call Forwarding — SUMMARY
4.3.89 Voice Mail Transfer [PT only]