1.1 Introduction
PT Programming Manual 9
5. It is strongly recommended that passwords of 10 numbers or characters be used for
maximum protection against unauthorized access. For a list of numbers and characters that
can be used in system passwords, refer to Section 1.1.3 Entering Characters.
6. If a system password is forgotten, it can be found by loading a backup of the system data
into a PC, and checking the password using the KX-TDA Maintenance Console software. If
you do not have a backup of the system data, you must reset the PBX to its factory defaults
and reprogram it. Therefore, we strongly recommend maintaining a backup of the system
data. For more information on how to back up the system data, refer to the on-line help of
the Maintenance Console.
However, as system passwords can be extracted from backup copies of the system data file,
do not allow unauthorized access to these files.
1.1.3 Entering Characters
The following characters can be used when storing a name, message, or other text entry data using
a PT. The tables below show you the characters available by pushing each button a specific number
of times.
Table 1 (Standard mode)