Emergency Call Phone Numbers
Description Specifies the phone numbers used for making emergency calls. A user
can dial any of the specified phone numbers at any time regardless of
any restrictions imposed on the unit. A maximum of 5 phone numbers
can be specified.
• When a phone number is specified here, it will be prioritized
over the setting specified in [Dial Plan] in Dial Plan.
Value Range Max. 24 characters
Default Value Not stored.
Configuration File Reference EMERGENCY_CALL[1–5] (Page 161) Call Rejection Phone Numbers
Description Specifies the phone numbers to reject incoming calls from. A maximum
of 30 phone numbers can be specified.
• You can also configure this setting through the phone user
interface. If these settings are changed through the phone user
interface while being changed through the Web user interface,
the settings made through the phone user interface will be
overwritten by the settings made through the Web user
Value Range Max. 24 characters
• Even if you specify nonconsecutive fields (e.g., fields 1, 5, and
30), they will be rearranged into consecutive fields after you
save the settings (i.e., 1, 2, and 3).
Default Value Not stored.
Document Version 2010.03.15 Administrator Guide 103
3.7.2 Call Control