Value Range Max. 1024 characters
• The format must be RFC 1738 compliant, as follows:
– "<user>" must be less than 127 characters.
– "<password>" must be less than 127 characters.
– "<user>:<password>@" may be empty.
– ":<port>" can be omitted if you do not need to specify the
port number.
• If "{mac}" is included in this URL, it will be replaced with the
unit’s MAC address in lower-case.
• If "{MAC}" is included in this URL, it will be replaced with the
unit’s MAC address in upper-case.
• If "{MODEL}" is included in this URL, it will be replaced with the
unit’s model name.
• If "{fwver}" is included in this URL, it will be replaced with the
unit’s firmware version.
• If this URL ends with "/" (slash), "Config{mac}.cfg" is
automatically added at the end of the URL.
For example, CFG_STANDARD_FILE_PATH="http://
host/dir/" becomes
Default Value Empty string
Value Format String
Description Specifies the URL of the product configuration file, which is used when
all units with the same model number need the same settings.
• When you change this setting, set "PROVISION_ENABLE" to
"Y" at the same time.
232 Administrator Guide Document Version 2014-05
5.3.6 Provisioning Settings