Explanation of terms
The following terms appear throughout these Operating Instructions, and
are defined here for easy reference.
Abbreviation for Local Area Network. A network which is small in scale,
such as an intra-company network. Both wired LANs and wireless LANs
can be found. This projector uses a wireless LAN.
Abbreviation for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The
standard protocol for the Internet.
A protocol is a set of specifications and agreements which allow two
computers to communicate with each other.
IP Address
An Internet Protocol (IP) is a protocol used for the transmission of data,
and the IP address is the address of the destination where the data is
being sent to. Identical IP addresses cannot be used for two different
devices within the one LAN.
Subnet Mask
Limits the range of IP addresses that can be assigned to a computer when
using a TCP/IP connection, in order to allow a network to be divided into
several sub-sections. The parameters which divide the sub-network in this
way are called the subnet mask.
A junction point where different types of networks are connected to each
It is used to refer to the hardware and software which is used when
connecting a particular network to another network which has been set up
under different network specifications. It makes adjustments for differences
in the protocols used by the two networks and makes it possible to connect
to other networks.
Abbreviation for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. A function which
automatically assigns IP addresses to each computer that is connected to
a network. If a device which functions as a DHCP server is located within a
LAN, this device automatically assigns IP addresses to computers which
are connected to the LAN. Not available with this product.