2.2 Programming
16 Programming Guide
Gatekeeper Settings
Parameter & Description Default Value Range
Specifies the use of a gatekeeper.
For details, refer to "Detailed Explanations".
Don't use Use,
Don't use
Primary Gatekeeper IP Address
Specifies the IP address of the primary gatekeeper. The following addresses
are invalid:
• Class D addresses
• Class E addresses
• Loopback
Primary Gatekeeper Port No.
Specifies the port number of the primary gatekeeper.
1719 1 to 65535
Secondary Gatekeeper IP Address
Specifies the IP address of the secondary gatekeeper.
Set this parameter when setting up a secondary gatekeeper
as a redundant backup system. The following addresses
are invalid:
• Class D addresses
• Class E addresses
• Loopback
Secondary Gatekeeper Port No.
Specifies the port number of the secondary gatekeeper.
Set this parameter when setting up a secondary gatekeeper
as a redundant backup system.
1719 1 to 65535
Gatekeeper Connection Checking Interval (min) 0-
Specifies the time (in minutes) between periodic checks of
connection to the gatekeeper.
When the primary gatekeeper fails, these checks can detect
the failure. In this case, the connection automatically
switches to the secondary gatekeeper if it is available, so that
the network remains functional.
0 0 (disable),
1 to 1440
Call Signaling Model
Specifies whether to carry out a call control (H.225) process
directly between the cards or through a gatekeeper.
Direct call control is typically preferred because it involves
less network load.
Direct Direct,
Routed (via