Timer recording
ON :
The station transmits PDC signals. You must set the start time to the
time specified in the TV magazines.
The station does not transmit PDC signals. Try to set the start and
stop times such that the entire film can be recorded even if a programme
begins or ends earlier or later than planned.
Automatic SP/LP selection
A: If, at the beginning of a timer programme, there is not enough tape left to
complete it, the SP/LP function will automatically run the tape at LP speed.
This ensures that the entire programme will be recorded. If the LP mode is
not enough to 'stretch' the remaining tape to fit you will not be able to record
all of the TV programme.
It is not possible to automatically activate the EP mode.
PDC function
Programme Delivery Control adjusts the start and stop time of a timer recording
automatically to ensure the recording starts and finishes in line with the
programme broadcast.
This is useful when a programme over-runs the published times.
The station must be transmitting PDC and the exact time must be set for PDC
to work. The VCR detects whether a station is transmitting PDC only during the
tuning process.
If PDC is introduced or discontinued by a station you will need to re-tune the
VCR before it becomes aware of this.
PDC transmissions are not currently nation-wide so please check with your
local broadcaster for more information.