
Programming the Remote Control
Component Codes
The Universal Remote Control is capable of operating many component brands after entering a code.
Some components may not operate. The Universal Remote Control does not control all features in all models.
Codes for TVs (for TV mode)
Manufacturer List
Manufacturer Set Up No. Manufacturer Set Up No.
AOC 0030, 0019
Admiral 0093, 0463
Aiko 0092
Akai 0030
Alaron 0179
Ambassador 0177
America Action 0180
Ampro 0751
Anam 0180
Anam National 0055
Audiovox 0451, 0180, 0092
Baysonic 0180
Belcor 0019
Bell & Howell 0154, 0016
Bradford 0180
Brockwood 0019
Broksonic 0236, 0463
CXC 0180
Candle 0030, 0056
Carnivale 0030
Carver 0054
Celebrity 0000
Cineral 0451, 0092
Citizen 0060, 0030, 0056, 0092, 0039
Concerto 0056
Contec 0180
Craig 0180
Crosley 0054
Crown 0180, 0039
Curtis Mathes 0047, 1147, 1347, 0054, 0154, 0051,
0451, 0093, 0060, 0030, 0056, 0145,
0016, 0039, 0166, 0466
Daewoo 0451, 0019, 0092, 0039
Daytron 0019
Denon 0145
Dumont 0017, 0019
Dwin 0720, 0774
Electroband 0000
Emerson 0154, 0236, 0463, 0180, 0178, 0179,
0019, 0282, 0039, 0177
Envision 0030
Fisher 0154
Fujitsu 0179, 0683
Funai 0180, 0179, 0171
Futuretech 0180
GE 0047, 1147, 1347, 0051, 0451, 0093,
0178, 0021, 0282, 0135, 0055
Gibralter 0017, 0030, 0019
GoldStar 0030, 0178, 0056, 0019
Gradiente 0053, 0056
Grunpy 0180, 0179
Hallmark 0178
Harley Davidson 0179
Harman/Kardon 0054
Harvard 0180
Hitachi 0056, 0145, 0016, 0151
Infinity 0054
Inteq 0017
JBL 0054
JCB 0000
JVC 0053
KEC 0180
KTV 0180, 0030, 0039
Kenwood 0030, 0019
LG 0056
LXI 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178
Logik 0016
Luxman 0056
MGA 0150, 0030, 0178, 0019
MTC 0060, 0030, 0056, 0019
Magnavox 0054, 1254, 0030, 0179
Majestic 0016
Marantz 0054, 0030
Matsushita 0250
Megatron 0178, 0145
Memorex 0154, 0250, 0463, 0150, 0178, 0056,
Midland 0047, 0017, 0051, 0135, 0039
Minutz 0021
Mitsubishi 0093, 0150, 0178, 0019
Motorola 0093, 0055
Multitech 0180
NAD 0156, 0178, 0166
NEC 0030, 0056, 0019
NTC 0092
Nikko 0030, 0178, 0092
Onwa 0180
Optimus 0154, 0250, 0166
Optonica 0093, 0165
Orion 0236, 0463, 0179
Panasonic 0051, 0250, 0055
Penney 0047, 1347, 0156, 0051, 0060, 0030,
0178, 0021, 0056, 0019, 0135, 0039
Philco 0054, 0463, 0030, 0145, 0019
Philips 0054
Pilot 0030, 0019, 0039
Pioneer 0166
Portland 0019, 0092, 0039
Prism 0051
Proscan 0047
Proton 0178, 0466
Pulsar 0017, 0019
Quasar 0051, 0250, 0165, 0055
RCA 0047, 1047, 1147, 1247, 1347, 1447,
0090, 0051, 0093, 0019, 0135
Radio Shack 0047, 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0056,
0019, 0165, 0039
Realistic 0154, 0180, 0030, 0178, 0056, 0019,
0165, 0039
Runco 0017, 0030
SSS 0180, 0019
Sampo 0030, 0039
Samsung 0060, 0030, 0178, 0056, 0019
Samsux 0039
Sansei 0451
Sansui 0463
Sanyo 0154
Scimitsu 0019
Scotch 0178
Scott 0236, 0180, 0178, 0179, 0019
Sears 0047, 0054, 0154, 0156, 0178, 0179,
0056, 0171
Semivox 0180
Semp 0156
Sharp 0093, 0165, 0039
Shogun 0019
Signature 0016
Sony 0000