Using the Printer
& Output Order
Specifies whether the document exits face up or face down into the output
tray. This selection is not effective when the multi-purpose tray (MPT Plain
Paper, MPT Transparency, etc.) is selected in the Paper Source
( ☞ P. 77). When the multi-purpose tray is selected, Face up is selected
Hyper-Tetra Adjustment...
Adjusts the brightness, contrast, hue, saturation, or red, green, blue of the
image. For the adjustment, refer to Using the Hyper-Tetra Adjustment
P. 93).
Print as a Mirror image
Clicking on Print as a Mirror image allows you to print a mirror image of
the document.
Metafile Spooling
Specifies the format in which the printing information is stored on your disk
for printing. Generally, metafile spooling set to Enabled frees up your
program faster than Disabled.