TC-14A12P / TC-20B12
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IC601 - Pins and Functions
Nome Nº Descrição
BLKIN 50 black current input / (V-guard input, note 2)
RO 51 Red output
GO 52 Green output
BO 53 Blue output
VDDA 54 analog supply of Teletext decoder and digital supply of TV-processor (3.3 V)
VPE 55 OTP Programming Voltage
VDDC 56 digital supply to core (3.3 V)
OSCGND 57 oscillator ground supply
XTALIN 58 crystal oscillator input
XTALOUT 59 crystal oscillator output
RESET 60 reset
VDDP 61 digital supply to periphery (+3.3 V)
P1.0/INT1 62 port 1.0 or external interrupt 1 input
P1.1/T0 63 port 1.1 or Counter/Timer 0 input
P1.2/INT0 64 port 1.2 or external interrupt 0 input
Pin Voltage Pin Voltage Pin Voltage Pin Voltage
1 3,2V 33 0,6V 1 0V 33 0,9V
2 NC 34 0,8V 2 4,8V 34 0V
3 NC 35 3,8V 3 4,8V 35 1,9V
4 3,3V 36 4,4V 4 0V 36 3,3V
5 0V 37 2,8V 5 4,8V 37 2,2V
6 3,3V 38 3,2V 6 3,3V 38 3,2V
7 3,3V 39 7,8V 7 3,3V 39 5V
8 3,3V 40 4,5V 8 3,3V 40 2,7V
9 0V 41 0V 9 0V 41 0V
10 0V 42 4,5V 10 0V 42 2,4V
11 2,2V 43 0V 11 4,6V 43 0V
12 0V 44 3,5V 12 0V 44 2,2V
13 2,3V 45 0V 13 1,7V 45 0V
14 7,8V 46 0V 14 5,1V 46 0V
15 4,9V 47 0V 15 3,4V 47 0V
16 3,4V 48 0V 16 1,7V 48 0V
17 3,7V 49 2,5V 17 1,7V 49 2V
18 0V 50 5,3V 18 0V 50 3,3V
19 4V 51 3,4V 19 3,2V 51 0,8V
20 0V 52 3,3V 20 0,3V 52 0,8V
21 2,1V 53 3,3V 21 1,3V 53 0,9V
22 2,2V 54 3,3V 22 1,1V 54 3,3V
23 1,8V 55 0V 23 1,6V 55 0V
24 1,8V 56 3,3V 24 1,6V 56 3,3V
25 3,8V 57 0V 25 2,5V 57 0V
26 4,4V 58 nc 26 2,2V 58 1,6V
27 4,1V 59 nc 27 4V 59 1,6V
28 3,2V 60 nc 28 1,8V 60 0V
29 2,3V 61 3,3V 29 0,9V 61 3,3V
30 0V 62 0V 30 0V 62 0V
31 2,3V 63 1,6V 31 1V 63 0V
32 2,5V 64 4,6V 32 1,1V 64 4,8
IC601 / IC451 - Voltage Table
Pin Voltage
1 3,2V
4 3,3V
6 3,3V
7 3,3V