Press the SETUP menu button
Move to Tuning menu option
Access Tuning menu
Move to chosen menu option
Adjust chosen option or access chosen menu
Press the TV/AV button at any time to go back to
watching TV
Pressing the STR button after having adjusted some
features will store the setting as the default (replacing
the factory setting).
Access in order to customise your programme
settings (eg: adding or deleting a programme
position) See page 12.
Allows you to automatically retune the TV. Useful
if you move house and wish to retune your TV to
the local stations. See page 14.
Allows individual programme positions to be
tuned manually. See page 15.
Useto make small adjustments to thetuning of an
individual station (useful for example when
weather conditions are affecting reception quality
of a programme).
Lets you select the correct transmissionstandard
for the transmission signal being received.
Lets you adjust the volume level of individual
stations. Use this feature if the volume level varies
significantly between stations. Adjusting one
station’s volume to bring it into line with the other
stationsmeansyou canavoid havingto adjust the
volume each time you change channels.
This option is used when a decoder is connected
via AV2. Store the setting as On so that every time
this programme position is selected, the TV
software is set to handlethe decoded information
(thisis importantif yourdecoder unit isconnected
to AV2 via a Q---Link VCR).
When a strong signal (such as a cable signal) is
received, sometimes two channels transmitted
close together interfere with each other’s picture
(this is the ‘beat’ you see on the picture). Set this
option to On to ’damp down’ the strength of the
signal for the current programme position, so
eliminating the ’beat’. Store the setting as On so
the signal is ’damped’ every time this programme
position is selected.
Tuning menu --- overview
Auto setup
Colour system
Fine tuning
Manual tuning
Volume correc.
Decoder (AV2)
RF Att