Miscellaneous Control
Item Transmission Command (ASCII) Response (ASCII) Parameter (ASCII)
Playback Speed LTM:n LTM n=0-F
n=0 11 ............. Fastest
n=1 10
n=2 9
n=3 8
n=4 7
n=5 6
n=6 5
n=7 4
n=8 3
n=9 2
n=A 1
n=B 1/2
n=C 1/4
n=D 1/8
n=E 1/16
n=F 1/32 ...........Slowest
Data Copy Cancel ZDC ZDC
Data Copy ZDP:nn ZDP nn=00 Copy until the card is full
nn=01 Copy 1 field
nn=08 Copy 8 fields
nn=16 Copy 16 fields
nn=32 Copy 32 fields
nn=48 Copy 48 fields
Time&Date Search ZTS:yyyymmddhhnnss ZTS yyyy=Year
hh=Hour (24-hour system)
Communication Check RCK RCK
Data Log Control
Item Transmission Command (ASCII) Response (ASCII) Parameter (ASCII)
Log Total Size Inquiry ILB:k ILB:k:bbb k=0 Alarm log
bbb=001 to 099 (in decimal)
Log Erase ILC:k ILC:k k=0 Alarm log
Log Recorded ILQ:k ILQ:k:bbb:(:E) k=0 Alarm log
Size Inquiry bbb=001 to 099 (in decimal)
Log Readout ILR:k:sss:mmm ILR:k:<log data s1>s1 k=0 Alarm log
<log data s2>s2 sss=001-099 Start Address
<log data sn>F mmm=001-099 Decimal # of log
<log data sn>=yymmddhhnnss
sn=0-9 and F Cyclic number
(F is put at data end)
Media Control
Item Transmission Command (ASCII) Response (ASCII) Parameter (ASCII)
Disk End Notice Setup MDE:n MDE n=0 End is not notified
n=1 End is notified
Disk End Notice HDE