2. BitStorm 1900 Installation and Testing
2-60 BitStorm 1900 Installation and Maintenance Guide 1900-A2-GN20-00
Step Procedure (continued)
4.) Connect one Amp-Champ connector of an intermediate cable to
the "Line/CPE" side of the EtherLoop cross-connect block, then
connect the other end to an Amp-Champ to Dual Omni Grid cable.
5.) Connect the Amp-Champ connector of the second intermediate
cable to the "Voice" side of the EtherLoop cross-connect block,
then connect the other end to an Amp-Champ to Dual Omni Grid
6.) Connect the two Omni-Grid connectors from the EtherLoop "Line/
CPE" side to the "Dial Tone & EtherLoop OUT" ports of the filter
shelf as shown in Figure 2-12, "Line/CPE and Voice Connections
on the Filter Shelf for 10306 Modem Cards," on page 61.
7.) Connect the two Omni-Grid connectors from the "Voice" side to the
"Dial Tone IN from PBX/PSTN" ports of the filter shelf as shown in
Figure 2-12, "Line/CPE and Voice Connections on the Filter Shelf
for 10306 Modem Cards," on page 61, and Figure 2-13, "Line/CPE
and Voice Connections on the Filter Shelf for 10224 Modem
Cards," on page 62. Record EtherLoop assignments.