3160-A2-GB24-10 March 2001
Front Panel Emulation
The DSU/CSU offers functionality through Front Panel Emulation software that is
similar to that provided by the DSU/CSU front panel. The DSU/CSU can either be
locally or remotely attached to a 386 or higher PC that has at least 4 MB of RAM.
A copy of the DSU/CSU front panel appears on the PC. The functionality of the
front panel is available by clicking on the Function keys with the mouse rather than
by pressing keys from the actual front panel.
For carrier-mounted DSU/CSUs, a single PC is used to access all of the slots in
the carrier. The PC is connected locally to a single slot containing either a
3151 CSU or 3161 DSU/CSU that has been configured to enable a shared COM
port on the Auxiliary Backplane. The attached PC can access any
3151/3161 device attached to the Auxiliary Backplane. For more information about
using the COM port on the carrier, refer to the
ACCULINK 3151 CSU and 3161
DSU/CSU General Information Guide
Installing Front Panel Emulation Software
The Front Panel Emulation software is supplied on a 3.5-inch diskette.
This software must be installed on a 386 or higher PC with Microsoft Windows
Release 3.1 or higher, MS-DOS 3.3 or higher, and at least 4 MB of RAM. A VGA
color monitor with VGA adapter (or higher resolution) is required. A mouse is also
required. The following procedures must be performed in the Windows