Configuration Options
March 1999
Configuration Worksheets
This section contains one set of blank worksheets to be used when configuring
your DSU/CSU in the network. In the tables, default settings for Factory 1 are
indicated by bold type. It is recommended that you copy these blank worksheets
before using them.
DTE Options
Value (Default in Bold)
DTE Port Enab, Disab
DTE Framing D4, ESF
DTE Coding AMI, B8ZS
Equal 0–133, 133–266, 266–399, 399–533, 533–655
Extrn DLB Enab, Disab
Send Ones Enab, Disab
Net Options Value (Default in Bold)
NET Framing D4, ESF
NET Coding AMI, B8ZS
LBO 0.0, –7.5, –15, –22.5
ANSI PRM Enab, Disab
Mgmt Link Enab, Disab
NET LLB Enab, Disab
NET PLB Enab, Disab
BitStuff 62411, Part68, Disab
Circuit Ident Edit, Clear
General Options Value (Default in Bold)
Gen Yellow Enab, Disab
Clock Src NET, DTE, Prt1, Int, Ext
Clock Rate 2048, 1544, 8
Tst Timeout Enab, Disab
Tst Duration 1–120 (Default = 10)