C-16 December 1996 3170-A2-GB20-20
Alarm Configuration Options
Table C-8
Alarm Configuration Options
Alrm Msg: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
Alarm Messages. Controls the generation of alarm messages, which are routed to an ASCII terminal or printer attached to
the communication port. For more information, refer to the
section in Chapter 4,
Enab – Enables alarm messages routed to the communication port.
Disab – Prevents alarm messages for any alarm conditions.
NOTE: Alarm messages are only sent to the communication port if the Com Use configuration option is set to ASCII,
otherwise the alarm messages are discarded.
SNMP Trap: Disab
Next Enab Disab Prev
SNMP Trap Enable. Specifies whether SNMP trap messages are sent over the SNMP management link. For more
information, refer to the
SNMP Traps
section in Chapter 4,
Enab – Enables sending SNMP trap messages from this unit over any SNMP management link.
Disab – Disables sending SNMP trap messages from this unit over any SNMP management link.