No repairs may be performed by the user. Should you experience difficulty with this
equipment, refer to
Warranty, Sales, Service, and Training Information
inside the cover
of this document.
For Digital Data Service (DDS) installations, inform the local telephone company of the
appropriate facility interface code for the service you desire.
DDS Facility
Interface Code Data Rate (bps)
04DU5-24 2400
04DU5-48 4800
04DU5-96 9600
04DU5-19 19,200
04DU5-56 56,000
04DU5-64 64,000
The DDS Service Order Number is 6.0Y. The jack configurations required are RJ48S for
the Model 3510 DSU and RJ48T for the Model 3511. With an RJ48T configuration, you
must specify the number of data lines you require (1 through 8).
After the telephone company has installed the requested service and jack, you can
connect the DSU with the cable provided. An FCC-compliant telephone cord and
modular plug are provided with this equipment. This equipment is designed to be
connected to the telephone network or premises wiring using a compatible modular jack
that is Part 68 compliant.
Canada – Notice to Users of the Canadian Telephone Network
The Canadian Department of Communications has certified that this equipment meets
certain telecommunications network protective, operational, and safety requirements.
The Department does not guarantee that the equipment will operate to the user’s
Before installation, verify connectivity of this equipment to the local telecommunications
company’s facilities. The equipment must be connected by an acceptable method. In
some cases, the telecommunications company’s inside wiring associated with
single-line individual service may be extended with a certified connector assembly
(telephone connection cord). The customer should be aware that compliance with the
above conditions may not prevent degradation of service in some situations.
If you experience difficulty with this equipment and require service, refer to
Sales, Service, and Training Information
in the front of this document.
Repairs to certified equipment should be made by an authorized Canadian
maintenance facility. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or
equipment malfunctions, may cause the telecommunications company to ask you to
disconnect the equipment.