COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
Index-4 November 1996 3920-A2-GN31-30
reset control, 3-37
result codes
enable/disable, 4-43, 5-7
extended, 4-43, 5-8
list, 5-3–5-4
numeric or word, 4-44, 5-7
ringer equivalence number (REN), 1-11
S-Register list, 5-15–5-28
access messages, 3-14
branch, 3-10, 6-4–6-13
configuration options, 6-13–6-14
database tables, 6-2, 6-3, 6-16–6-17
passwords, 6-2–6-4, 6-15–6-16
Security configuration options group, 4-68
Select key, 2-9, 3-8, 3-9
self-test, 3-56
self-test, 2-11
serial number (Ser #), 3-23
service line, 3-41–3-42
Service Log, Status branch, 3-29–3-30
shared diagnostic control panel (SDCP), 1-4, 3-3
Singleport mode, 4-31
configuration options
Dial Line, 4-50–4-52
DTE Dialer, 4-41–4-45
DTE Interface, 4-33–4-40
Leased Line, 4-53–4-57
Line Dialer, 4-46–4-49
Misc, 4-66–4-68
Security, 4-68
Test, 4-64–4-65
V.42/MNP/Buffer, 4-58–4-63
singleport modem, 1-2, 1-7
model 3921Plus, 1-4
soft straps. See configuration options
software download, 3-42–3-49
speaker, 3-36
specifications, technical, 1-13–1-14
multiport modem, 1-2
singleport modem,, 1-2
Status branch, 3-10, 3-17–3-30
status indicators (LEDs), 3-3–3-6
straps. See configuration options
SubHS (Sub-Network Health and Status) branch, 3-10,
synchronous operation, 2-11, 4-2, 4-13, 4-33
branch, 3-10, 3-73–3-75
telephone, external, 3-73, C-4
TDM/MSD, 1-2, 1-7, 1-10, 4-10
technical specifications, 1-13–1-14
telephone, external, 3-73, C-4
telephone numbers
display, 3-66
storage, 3-71
Test branch, 3-10, 3-54–3-63
Abort, 3-55
Local Analog Loopback, 3-57–3-58
Local Digital Loopback, 3-60–3-61
Pattern, 3-61–3-63
Remote Digital Loopback, 3-58–3-59
Self, 3-56
Test configuration options group, 4-27
test configuration options group, 4-64
time division multiplexer. See multiplexer
TMp default configurations. See default configuration
top-level menu messages, 3-11–3-16
Trellis Multipoint (TMp), 3-45
Troubleshooting, B-1–B-5
United States government requirements, 1-11–1-12
UNIX dial, 2-11, 4-2, 4-33
V.25bis dialing commands and response, D-1–D-8
V.34, modulation, 1-9, 1-10
V.34 modulation, 3-25
dial line, 5-17
leased lines, 1-10, 5-17
quick display, 3-15
V.42 error control, 4-58
V.42/MNP/Buffer configuration options group, 4-58
V.42bis data compression, 4-59
VF, 5-3, 5-9
connection, 2-5–2-6, B-4–B-5
data rate, 5-25
interface requirements, 1-14
parameters, 1-7, 3-51
pin assignments, C-3
rates, 5-17
status, 3-20–3-23
VF Thresholds, update, 3-51–3-54
weight, 1-14